Here at Abbott | Reed we’re excited to be working on a brand spankin’ new project in the heart of Paso Robles wine country, Cava Robles. We’re building a sophisticated RV resort everyone can enjoy, from couples looking for peace and relaxation to families all about adventure.
What’s Brewing in 2017
Resolutions are overrated. Our resolve to build better is nothing new and we stand by it year after year. We’re proud of what our Abbott | Reed Builders team accomplished last year with the opening of two big projects near and dear (and beer) to us—SLO Brew Restaurant and SLO Brew Lofts.
Walk With Us to Beat Breast Cancer
Each year we find an opportunity to take off our hard hats and do our part to build awareness of men’s and women’s health issues. This year, in support of the American Cancer Society, we are participating in the Making Strides Walk of San Luis Obispo, and we invite you to join us!
Making Strides of San Luis Obispo
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Registration: 7:30AM | Walk: 9:00AM
Mission Plaza, San Luis Obispo
Sign Up | Facebook
We are also selling commemorative Abbott | Reed t-shirts for $10 to honor the event and promote Breast Cancer Awareness. Women’s and men’s sizes will be available. All proceeds from t-shirt sales will be donated directly to the American Cancer Society.
We hope to see you out there!
–The Abbott | Reed Team
Ascrizzi Residence Featured in SLO Life Magazine
In 2010, Vic and Carol Ascrizzi brought us in to update the exterior of their early ’80s home at Varian Ranch in Arroyo Grande. The result was a sophisticated, yet inviting Tuscan Villa-style remodel, perfect for entertaining and relaxing alike. Pick up the October/November issue of SLO Life Magazine to read more about the project!
Gran Cielo de Vina Robles Featured in San Luis Obispo Tribune
Our latest custom home and community project is earning admiration all over the Central Coast. Friday, August 12th, the San Luis Obispo Tribune shined a spotlight on Gran Cielo de Vina Robles, a private community in the heart of Paso Robles wine country. Read the feature for the full scoop.
Photo: Joe Johnston, San Luis Obispo Tribune
Gran Cielo de Vina Robles Launches
At Abbott | Reed we think big – our newest project Gran Cielo (Big Sky) de Vina Robles is a private community in the heart of Paso Robles wine country, made up of 42 custom home sites on 800 acres of stunning vineyard property. Our team is proud to be the preferred builder of this project. Learn what Gran Cielo living is all about here.
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
Our own Ryan Adams and his North County Young Professionals group connected with local leaders at the globally themed Paso Robles Business Expo “to get personal one on one time with the community”. A cult ’90s game show made this networking shindig anything but ho hum.
Cancer sucks. We’re on Team Deb.
When Debbie Mendes needed a “happy healing place” in Pismo Beach, she called us. While Deb combated cancer, we remodeled her dilapidated beach bungalow into a vibrant space to make new memories. Deb shares, “When I’m here things are different. I know I’m going to be ok.” We’ve never received higher praise.
Read the full SLO Life Magazine article here.
Triple Play
Designed to blend in with the old firehouse next door, the three-level Garden Green triplex we built is now home to three families in San Luis Obispo. See how we turned a long-forgotten parking lot into a spacious downtown retreat here on page 40.
The Swiss Family Robinson Can’t Compete
You’ve never seen a tree house like this. Nestled in the ancient oaks and vine covered hills of wine country, Paul Neuwald and his wife Mindy Brooks first dreamed of building an environmentally-friendly home. Abbott | Reed made it happen.